Corporate Partnerships with Community Renewal Team
CRT staff helps people improve job skills, maintain independence, stabilize living situations, and achieve educational goals. To change lives and create opportunities, CRT works closely with local businesses, corporations, educational institutions and organizations to foster participant independence and skill building. Together we guide individuals, families and entire communities toward a long-term stable and more successful future.
Corporate Volunteer Days
We encourage businesses, schools, youth, and fraternal and faith-based organizations to “adopt a program” and organize volunteer days. Volunteer projects have included planting community gardens, clean-up days, restoring buildings, escorting guests at events, supporting fundraising campaigns and more! To get started, contact our Development Office at [email protected] or (860) 560-5657.
Community Partnerships
CRT is committed to promoting advancement within our communities. We collaborate with other nonprofit agencies to improve and innovate service delivery. Guided by shared goals, we partner to expand education, youth, and employment opportunities. We share resources to strengthen senior services, housing and behavioral health services to our communities.
Educational Partnerships
CRT is committed to advancing employment, training and educational opportunities for our staff and for students interested in health and human services. CRT offers colleges and universities:
- Internships that provide mentoring and career opportunities at any of our program services and administrative departments.
- Research opportunities for institutions interested in health and human services for people of all ages.
- Opportunities to collaborate with workforce groups and Boards of Education in local towns.
For more information about our various Partnership Programs, please contact Ilana Bernstein, Director of Development at (860) 560-5657 or via email: [email protected]
Corporate Sponsorships
CRT is committed to work with local organizations and companies to further our organizational mission of improving lives. As partners, our goal is for Corporate Sponsors to achieve positive outcomes for their business. With a one-time annual donation, CRT will work with your organization to customize a year-round marketing benefit package, and we hope to maintain an ongoing conversation to receive feedback and measure outcomes.

“Of all the things we do at Project Horizon, we are most proud of the successes at McKinney and hope that we can continue our partnership for many years to come.”
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For over 60 years, CRT has helped people in Central Connecticut lift their quality of life. Whether you need help now or are looking to build a more secure future, we can help with housing, food, energy bills, recovery, jobs, childcare, veterans services and much more.
Call us today at (860) 560-5600, and let’s build a better future together.
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