Tag Archive for: Summer Food

More than 35,000 meals will be served to children 18 and under, free of charge, at 14 locations in Hartford and neighboring towns this summer

Hartford – To help combat childhood hunger during the summer months when school is out of session, the Community Renewal Team (CRT) is proud to participate in the federally funded Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) once again this summer.

CRT will deliver hundreds of meals for children each weekday to the 14 locations noted below. In total, CRT will deliver more than 35,000 meals for kids this summer.

Under the SFSP, nutritious meals (including Breakfast and/or Lunch, and even Supper), will be provided free of charge to children 18 years of age and under at 14 locations in Hartford, East Hartford, Enfield, Glastonbury, and Wolcott. (Additional sites listed below are “closed” locations that require registration to participate.)

Many of these summer food sites for children begin on June 21, and most will continue until mid- to late August to help ensure that children are receiving nutritious meals while school is out for the summer.

Please confer with individual pick-up locations about any closures this summer, such as due to holidays.

For families participating in the Summer Food Program: Please consider wearing a mask or face covering when picking up meals. Check with individual locations for any social-distancing protocols that may be required.

Individuals and families interested in receiving more information about the Summer Food Service Program should contact CRT, 555 Windsor Street, Hartford, CT 06120 or call 860-560-5600. Information is also available on the Summer Food page of CRT’s website.

For more information, please contact CRT’s Communications Director, Jason Black at 860-230-4535.


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To help combat childhood hunger during the summer months when school is out of session, the Community Renewal Team (CRT) is proud to participate in the federally funded Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) once again this summer.

CRT will deliver hundreds of meals for children each weekday to the 14 locations in the Greater Hartford area. In total, CRT will deliver more than 35,000 meals for kids this summer.

NBC Connecticut shares the details with their viewers:

Under the SFSP, nutritious meals (including Breakfast and/or Lunch, and even Supper), will be provided free of charge to children 18 years of age and under at 14 locations in Hartford, East Hartford, Enfield, Glastonbury, and Wolcott. (Additional sites in Manchester, Enfield, and Windsor Locks are “closed” locations that require registration to participate.)

Many of these summer food sites for children begin on June 21, and most will continue until mid- to late August to help ensure that children are receiving nutritious meals while school is out for the summer.

For more information, please visit the Summer Food page.