Dear National Arts Community,

I want to wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year!

Most of us were very happy to have 2021 behind us. COVID, COVID, and more COVID, it feels like an endless story, right?

In all seriousness, I’m writing today to tell you that unfortunately, CRT’s 31st Annual National Arts Program will not be taking place this coming spring.

We had hoped to resume with an in-person exhibit and celebration, but the current Omicron variant and the ongoing effects have caused us to pause this year’s festivities for the safety of everyone.

Although we will miss seeing your artwork, we hope you will continue to create art, and we encourage you to share your art in other ways.

Our programs and services have been greatly impacted by this prolonged pandemic. But we are continuing to ensure that we are providing quality services to our community and keeping staff and clients safe.

The well-being of the people we serve is the foundation for the well-being of our community. We look forward to celebrating with you and the whole art community in 2023.

For questions, please contact Irene Mackey: (860) 560-5684 or [email protected].


Lena Rodriguez

President/CEO of CRT

P.S. Save the Date for National Arts in 2023!